St Catherine's Primary School is a Catholic co-educational primary school for children in Prep to Year 6. New families are encouraged to take advantage of our school tours before accepting a placement once processed before finalising their child's enrolment at St Catherine's Primary School.
All enrolment applications will be given respectful consideration according to St Catherine's Primary School enrolment criteria.
For information regarding enrolments for Prep or any other year level, contact Administration on 9702 1466 or via email on enrolment@stcberwick.catholic.edu.au.
For detailed information about enrolling your child at St Catherine's click on the links below:
Please read and review the following:
Enrolment Policy Key Guidelines
First priority of placement is given to siblings of current or past students at the school.
Priority of enrolment then goes to baptised Catholic children residing within St Catherine's zone boundaries.
The child must turn 5 years of age prior to the 30 April in the year in which the child commences school.
Relevant Documents:
Order of enrolment priority:
- Children baptised as Catholics and siblings of children attending the school
- Catholic children who are members of St Michael's Parish community and who reside within the enrolment zone for St Catherine's School
- Catholic children from non-Catholic primary schools whose residential address is in St Michael's Parish and within the enrolment zone for St Catherine's School
- Catholic children who reside in other parishes and who could have gained enrolment in their parish school
- Children from families who belong to any Orthodox Church
- Non Catholic families seeking a Catholic education for their child/children
It is important to note, that no student will be refused enrolment or be disadvantaged because of an inability on the part of parents or carers to meet financial requirements.
See also: Map of St Catherine's Zone Boundary
Step 1 - Making an Application for Enrolment:
- Submit an Application for Enrolment Form and other forms as required, ie; Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate (if applicable), Immunisation History Statement for each child as well as Driver's License/s
- For Year 1-6 enrolments, include a copy of the most recent school report.
- On processing your application, our office will be in contact with you to arrange payment of $50 administration fee.
- The school will acknowledge receipt of your application and advise of anything else required to assist in processing the application.
- All enrolments to St Catherine's School must have an enrolment tour with the Principal or delegate. An Application for Enrolment form must be completed by the parents or the legal guardians and all other forms as required are to be submitted prior to the Interview.
- If your application is successful, the principal will make you a written offer of enrolment.
- You complete your acceptance of the offer by completing an Acceptance of placement from.
Existing Families
- Applications are open Monday 30 January 2023. Enrolment forms can be downloaded from the website or are available from the School Office.
- Enrolment tour appointments are made on enquiry.
- Offers of placement made after the tour and all paperwork is completed.
- Acceptances of offer are to be returned by email to enrolments@stcberwick.catholic.edu.au or alternatively post to PO Box 557, Berwick 3806
- Applications open Monday 30 January 2023. Enrolment forms can be downloaded from the website or are available from the School Office, week commencing Monday 30 January 2023.
- Please direct all enquiries to enrolments@stcberwick.catholic.edu.au
- Enrolment tours can be arranged on enquiry.
- Offers of placement made on receipt of all documentation and after the school tour.
- Acceptance of offer - Please return your acceptance by email to enrolments@stcberwick.catholic.edu.au or alternatively post to PO Box 557, Berwick 3806
For Catholic schools, the need to charge fees arises from the policy of successive governments over the years, which sees significantly lower per capita grants provided for students in non-government schools compared to students at government schools. This means fees and levies must be charged, but at the same time, ensuring we are able to maintain some independence as part of a system, achieve the ideals of the Catholic Church in operating schools, and most effectively address local priorities.
We appreciate that some families may face hardship in meeting these fees, yet it is important to us that families currently sending children to St Catherine’s are able to continue to do so. It is important that families who want to access a Catholic education for their children are not excluded because they do not have the means to pay fees. It is the expressed policy and practice of the school to assist any family in this situation.
Families who experience personal financial hardship in meeting school fees at any stage, should contact the Principal to discuss St Catherine’s School Fee Concession Program. This includes those who hold a means-tested Health Care Card, however you may also apply for special consideration without a Health Care Card.
School Tours
Individual school tours can be booked through the Administration Office once enrolment paperwork has been submitted.
For all information regarding tours or our enrolment process
Please call 97021466 to schedule a time.
In the meantime, take a walk through our beautiful facilities via our 'virtual' tour.