Message from the Principal
Welcome to St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School Berwick.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your family to St Catherine’s School, Berwick. Whether this is your first experience of Catholic education or your family is continuing your journey with us, we hope that your association with St Catherine’s will be long lasting, and one filled with many memorable experiences. We offer you not only a school of learning which is dedicated to providing a quality education, but also a community of faith which openly recognises Christ and seeks to live and proclaim His Gospel message.
St Catherine’s is a well-established school. It has strong links to the local community and a great reputation for providing a quality education for all students, not only those of the Catholic faith. Grounded in the traditional values and ideals of holistic Catholic education, we are committed to quality teaching that ensures success for all students.
Each child and parent wishing to enrol at St Catherine’s must strive to uphold the values of this school. We are called to participate actively in maintaining the special character of the school’s faith and cultural identity, and agree to become a part of a community of learning, which is seeking knowledge of the world and of its Creator. By sending your child to this Catholic school, you openly affirm your support of a Catholic education. Hopefully, what we endeavour to offer at St Catherine’s is far more than just ‘another education’. Our commitment is to bring together faith and learning in ways that are real and meaningful to our own lives, and which ultimately reflect the life and message of Jesus Christ.
St Catherine’s School is one of three primary schools in St Michael’s Parish Berwick and was established in 1996 to meet the educational and spiritual needs of Catholic children and a growing population in the south of the Parish.
Originally surrounded by farmland and built on the hard work and enthusiasm of forty families and sixty-five children, the school community now embraces almost 700 children from almost five hundred families. The spirit of community, belonging and partnership between the school, the Parish and the parents is warmly encouraged.
St Catherine’s is named after our Patron Saint, Catherine of Siena and offers a Catholic education based on the Gospel. We value students, parents and staff as part of our community of learners and we encourage parents to be active partners in their child’s education.
We at St Catherine’s, therefore, look forward to our journey with you and sharing the challenge of bringing your children to a greater knowledge of themselves, their world and their God.
Anna Viney